Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Moskauski Minutes

Thank You: Wow!  I had an amazing birthday celebration with the class!  The children were so sweet and made me feel so special on my birthday.  I love all of the precious cards they made for me and appreciated all of the warm wishes.  We all enjoyed the yummy cupcake cake, too! 

Thank you so much for the restaurant gift card.  I am looking forward to using it soon.  I already have my meal all planned out!!  Thank you for this very generous gift.

Thank you to Mr. Gibson and Ms. Motamen for helping to organize all of my fun birthday surprises.  J  Thank you also to my amazing class family for making me feel so special on my birthday, and every day!  J

Snack Donations Needed: We are down to our last bag of pretzels for community snack.  Donations for community snack are greatly appreciated.  If you are able to donate snacks, these need to be healthy choices, store bought and unopened boxes or bags.  Examples of healthy choices are: a box of granola bars, crackers, pretzels, dry cereal, etc.  It is important that those who forget their snacks and those who are unable to bring one, have something to get them through the day until we have lunch. Thanks in advance!

Literacy Night Tonight: Tonight Douglas will be having our Literacy Night from 6:00 to 7:20.  The children can come wearing their pajamas and bring a stuffed animal and hear stories read aloud by Douglas staff members.  The Book Fair will be open for shopping.  There will also be a special snack of milk and cookies!  If you come out tonight, no homework except for math!!

High Touch High Tech In-Class Field Trip Important Update:

We have High Touch High Tech coming to our school next Tuesday, December 13. They will be conducting a lesson for each class individually. The lesson is called Earthworks and it supports the soils unit that we are exploring in second quarter Science.

The cost of the experience is $9. Money is due by this Friday, December 9th, and it may be paid in cash or by check. Checks may be made to Douglas Elementary School.
We have many third graders who have not yet paid for the trip.  If you need assistance paying for the trip, please let your homeroom teacher know.  The school’s field trip budget is tight this year, and the school would welcome any donations to help cover the cost of students who cannot afford to attend.

Thank you,
The Third Grade Team