Community Service: Community Service is due Friday! The children are expected to complete at least 30 minutes of service by the end of the quarter. For each activity, they are required to write the date, time, location and task they completed. Your child may include photographs and visuals. They are then to write or type at least a paragraph on the following:
1. Describe in detail what volunteer task they did.
2. Their reactions and feelings about their good deed.
Curriculum Notes: I can't believe next week marks the end of the first quarter!! This quarter has flown by! I am so proud of the children for their hard work and efforts. :) :)
We will be having two days of Case 21 testing next week. The children took Case 21 in second grade, so are familiar with the test format. These tests are used to help guide our instruction, and do not get factored into report card grades.
In math class we will be continuing to practice with multiplication and division strategies. The children will be wrapping up their Social Studies unit with Mr. Otto. We will continue to read and analyze fables, myths and folktales. In word work we will be looking at prefixes and suffixes. We will be publishing our narratives and also beginning on a new story.
Field Trip: If you are interested in chaperoning our field trip, please send me in a note or email to let me know by next Friday. So far we have only one volunteer and are allowed to have three volunteers per class. We would love to have you!
Upcoming Dates:
- Thursday, October 24th: Community Helpers Presentation, 2:15- 3:45
- Friday, October 25th: Last day of quarter, community service for first quarter due, if interested in chaperoning trip let me know by this day
- Monday, October 28th: Teacher Workday, No School
- Wednesday, October 30th: Field Trip money due
- Friday, November 1th: "The True Life Adventures of Gooney Bird Greene" play at Wake Forest High School
- Friday, November 8th: Early Release at 1:15