Happy 100th day of third grade! Here are a few notes for the week. Have a great week! :)
MClass Results:
We are finally finished with our mclass testing, and I want to let you know that I am so incredibly pleased with our students’ results! The children have made great growth in their reading! Hip, hip, hooray! I am so proud of them, and I thank you for all of your support with their reading at home. I will be sending home in Monday folders your Home Connect letters and also a brief explanation of the results.
A Few Curriculum Notes:
The children took an assessment on Friday on area and perimeter. This test is in the Monday folder for you to sign and review. There are two more weeks of area and perimeter for this unit. We reviewed the test in class today, but any reinforcement you can do at home will be greatly appreciated.
In literacy we began a new vocabulary enrichment study. Mrs. Hill, one of our amazing reading teachers, will be modeling lessons for me and getting the program underway. In the program the children will be learning tier two vocabulary words that we would like the children to begin to use in their writing and in their speaking. Along with the program, you will be receiving a parent information letter each week that tells you about the words for the week and how to use the words. Our goal is to help the children to become better readers and writers! :)
Valentine's Celebration:
Last week I sent home a class list of our students. On Friday we will be doing a Valentine exchange and Ms. Brown will be providing a small treat for the class. Thank you so much Ms. Brown! If you are sending in Valentine's--please be sure to include one for each student in our class. Due to nut allergies, please ensure that any candy is nut-free. Our lunch on early release days is at 10:25 a.m. Our Valentine exchange will be at the end of the day.
PBIS Celebration:
Our class is working alongside Mrs. Florence's class to present a song at Friday's PBIS celebration. Please have your child practice the song at home and memorize it.
Calendar Dates:
Some Pictures From Today: