Tests Coming Home:Beginning in this upcoming Monday folder, I will be sending home graded tests for you to review with your child. Please review and discuss the assessments with your child and also help them to work on any skills that they are having difficulty with. After reviewing the tests with your child, please sign and return them for the next day. If you would like a few more days to hold on to the tests to review together, please just jot me down a quick note or email. The children will be held accountable for having their tests signed and returned, and this will be part of their homework grade. You will find the assessments inside the manilla behavior folder.
Community Service: Community Service for second quarter is due Friday, January 17th. The children are expected to complete at least 30 minutes of service. For each activity, they are required to write the date, time, location and the task they completed. Your child may include photographs and visuals. They are then to write or type at least a paragraph on the following:
1. Describe in detail what volunteer task they did.
2. Their reactions and feelings about their good deed.
Thank Yous: Thank you to Ms. Bennett, Ms. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Tutino for providing me with the "Gift of Time". The children had a great time with you! Thank you to the families who donated items for the snacks and for the crafts. Thank you to the families who donated items for the welcome bags for the homeless. The children got so much out of this service project--and I am so proud of them!
Scholastic Book Orders: January catalogs are in this week's Monday folders. Book orders are due Friday, January 17th. This is a great opportunity to use the free book coupon!
Calendar Dates:
Thursday, January 16th:
- 5:30 p.m. Read To Achieve Parent Information Session for third grade parents
- 6:00 to 7:30 Parent Power Night at Douglas (Children will be entertained in the gym with a movie and popcorn.) Thank you PTA volunteers.
Monday, January 20th: School Holiday--no school
Tuesday, January 21st: Teacher Workday--no school for students