Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Moskauski Minutes

Happy first day of third quarter!  Hope you all enjoyed our little "snow" we got!  Stay safe and stay warm out there.  :)  :)  :)

Homework:  Beginning in third quarter, third graders are now required to read for at least thirty minutes a night.  Please be sure your child is alternating nightly between fiction and non-fiction.  Have them read a wide variety of texts from various genres: poetry, informational texts, etc.  Please use the great ideas and strategies from "Parent Power Night" when reading with your child.

This quarter in science we will be studying "Objects in the Sky".  Beginning tonight, the children are to begin observing and recording the phases of the moon on a nighttime moon calendar (in today's homework folder).  This is part of the nightly homework, and will be checked each morning for completion.  The children are to put the time down and draw a picture of what the moon looks like.  If you are unable to see the moon because it is a cloudy night, you can go online to find the current phase of the moon.  

Here is an example site you may use:

Here is a site with a lot of fun moon information:

Case 21 info: We just received an updated schedule for this week's Case 21 quarterly assessments.  The children will be testing Thursday and Friday from 1:00 to 3:00.  Our lunch, Specials and recess times are changed for the next two days of testing.  Specials will be from 10:30 to 11:20, lunch is at 11:25 and recess is at 3:10.  Just wanted to let you know the changes since we have so many awesome parents that come to eat lunch with our class.  :)

Iowa Test Results are in!  If your child took the IOWA tests, results are in today's folder along with an explanation letter.  Our class did a super job!  We are superstar test takers!

Read to Achieve info:  I emailed out to our class family the Powerpoint that was shown last week at the "Read to Achieve Parent Information Night".  The children will begin taking these assessments next week.  More information to come.

Field Trip News:  An information letter and permission slip about our upcoming field trip is in the homework folder.  We are all so excited!  This is always the students favorite third grade trip!  

Tests Going Home: Tests from last week are going home in Monday folders today.  Please review with your child, then sign and return.

Have a wonderful rest of your week!